Membangun Masa Depan Lebih Baik.

Menuju dunia yang lebih berkelanjutan, adil, dan makmur.

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Disesuaikan. Inovatif. Komprehensif.

Tim Assurance kami menawarkan solusi yang disesuaikan, inovatif, dan komprehensif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis spesifik guna membantu klien mengatasi tantangan yang dihadapi sepanjang siklus hidup bisnis mereka.

Audit & Assurance

Memastikan keakuratan dan integritas laporan keuangan, memberikan kepercayaan kepada pemangku kepentingan melalui pemeriksaan menyeluruh dan kepatuhan terhadap standar keuangan.

Strategy, Risk & Transactions

Mendukung perusahaan dalam merancang strategi bisnis yang efektif, mengelola risiko, dan menyelesaikan transaksi kompleks untuk memaksimalkan nilai dan mencapai tujuan pertumbuhan.

Technology & Transformation

Membantu organisasi dalam mengadopsi teknologi baru, melakukan transformasi digital, dan mengoptimalkan proses bisnis untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan daya saing.


A strategic investment in your personal development

Boost your career confidence with cutting-edge skills
Make an immediate impact with practical resources & templates
Accelerate your growth with career development tools & certifications
Stay up to date with key industry insights, trends & innovations

Everything you need to Succeed in HR

From on-demand training to downloadable templates & career planning, your membership provides the support you need to make your next career move.


Fast-track your career by learning a new skill and earning a certificate

Rp 8,850,000.00

1 Certificate Program

Full Access

Become a continuous learner and stay up-to-date with in-demand HR skills

Rp 11,648,000.00

13 Certificate Programs

Team Flex

Enable your team with modern
& relevant HR skills

Rp 20,850,000.00

13 Certificate Programs
60 Day Money-back Guarantee!

We pride ourselves on high-quality programs. That’s why we offer a 60-day no-questions-asked 100% money-back guarantee. If for any reason you are unhappy, you will get a full refund.

Engaging video lessons

Learn at your own pace with bite-sized, pre-recorded lessons by leading HR experts

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Hands-on case studies

Turn your knowledge into practical skills with a range of practical activities

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Practical guides & templates

Save time and effort with a library of grab-and-go templates, guides, checklists, and more

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